Kamal Swaroop’s Om Dar B Dar is a film that marks the end of the Indian New Wave in 1988. Although its prominent directors would continue making films through the ‘90s, there approach would change considerably. Both the veterans of the new wave would only make two more state...
Narrative cinema, in its most austere form, comprises of images and sounds moulded by the director to satisfy a figurative representation. The director envisions and executes a form through his intention that translates a loose narrative into sensorial images and sounds. In the following paper I will be exploring...
‘Last Year at Marienbad’ has acquired the reputation of being the quintessential cerebral Art House film that is a far more somber version of the experimentation generally termed the Nouvelle Vague represented by the fragmented Balzacian narrative as represented in the films of Francois Truffaut or the playful genre...
In this essay I hope to create a) an understanding of the “real” to b) produce change within its conditions of potentiality. These issues will be tackled through classical film theory with examples from Indian cinema thrown in. I define the “real” as that which functions outside representational regimes...