Music scene

  • The blue notes | Literature

    The Blue Notes

    I wandered deep into the old cotton fields, and heard the voices of the sad Afro-American saints again, last night. And in those moments, I saw the light of eternity. For, the pathways to divinity exist in certain micro-intervals between the seven music notes. Even in the academic circles...
  • What is this ROCK music?

    Using chopped up pieces of coconut tree branches as their electric guitars, bathroom buckets and broomsticks as their drum kit, and a soda bottle as their mike, recently, a band performed for the “mock” Rock event at Sofia College’s ‘Kaleidoscope’ fest. Then, they smashed their “musical instruments” on the...
  • On the Art and Importance of being Unique

    Sometime in the late-60s, a young American wanting to be famous set fire to his guitar on stage. The story made headlines and made him a legend overnight. In later concerts and recordings, he would make his guitar speak a few words in English. He wasn’t the first, or...
  • Of Personal Choices

    The early morning sun wakes me up to a dream come true. I pull back the curtains and bathe in the golden circle of light. Gee whiz, it’s such a nice feeling to have my own music column. There is so much I would love to share with you....