The Servant Director: Joseph Losey Writers: Harold Pinter, Robin Maugham Stars: Dirk Bogarde, Sarah Miles, Wendy Craig Genre: Drama Language: English Release date: 1964 Duration: 1 hour, 56 mins. Awards: winner of 3 BAFTAs, and nominated for a Venice Golden Lion Story Published in 1948, THE SERVANT is...
Amidst the black comedies competing in the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, Finland’s Hit Big catches everyone’s eye as the film makes its world premiere. Directed and written by Finnish filmmaker Jukka-Pekka Valkeapaa, he is no stranger to the film festival circuit having made the rounds at the likes...
With its world premiere at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, A Cup Of Coffee And New Shoes On starts off as an idyllic, slice of life movie with hints of dark humor as it follows deaf Albanian twins Agim and Gezim living a simple life, playing cards with...
The Monk Director:Dominik Moll Writers: Matthew Lewis, Dominik Moll, Anne-Louise Trividic Stars: Vincent Cassel, Déborah François, Joséphine Japy Dominik Moll has not been prolific, The Monk (2011) being only his fourth feature film. But on the strength of the three films widely seen, there is little doubt that...
In his fourth film, Mahishasur Marddini, Ranjan Ghosh returns with a theme that compels viewers to introspect as deeply as possible. He plumbs the depths of mankind’s inhuman acts violating the feminine gender, and draws attention to the sanctimonious and silent folks of civilized society. Are they truly a notch...
‘Macbeth’ was written sometime in between of 1587-1606. William Shakespeare wrote multiple plays on the issue of succession during this time as Queen Elizabeth I was growing old and had no heir. In the end, her nephew, James I of Scotland succeeded her, another probable reason for Shakespeare to...
A Hero (2021) | presently playing on Mubi Writer-Director: Asghar Farhadi Awards: Cannes Grand Prix Cannes François Chalais Award A tale of moral dilemma and human greed, the characters in ‘A Hero’ struggle between their baser instincts and the need to be honourable. Sent to jail for not being...
The Lost Daughter is actress Maggie Gyllenhaal’s first feature film as a director. The psychological suspense drama follows Olivia Colman’s Leda as she decides to take a vacation on a Greek island only to be confronted with her inner demons as intriguing hotel guests invade her holiday. The whimsical...
The Tender Bar (2021) is an autobiographical coming of age movie of memoir writer J.R. Moehringer, directed by George Clooney. It follows the first half of the author’s life from his turbulent childhood at his grandfather’s house to his Yale days and short-lived stint at The New York Times....